Subastas Darley

2024 年 4 月 10 日 - 亚洲艺术 现场拍卖

Jade figure "The Four Heavenly Beasts", Western Han dynasty

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编号 242.

Carved jade of a light-green hue with ochre and reddish flecks. In the lower part, supporting the composition in the form of a totem, is a large turtle reclining on its legs, its shell filled with hexagons in relief, an upturned head looking upwards and a snake coiled around its body. Above this is a disc or 'bi' on which rests, in relief, an elongated dragon with open jaws and sharp fangs on one side, and a slender tiger with a fierce gaze and large claws on the other. Finally, crowning the composition is a large phoenix with its legs arranged over the tiger and the dragon, its wings folded over its body, a large sinuous tail and a sharp curved beak. 

In Chinese mythology, these four mythological beasts are depicted together symbolizing the four cardinal points, the four natural elements and the four seasons of the year.  Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 8) or later.

Size: 15 x 3.1 x 6.2 cm

Weight: 442 gr

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