Subastas Darley

2024 年 4 月 10 日 - 亚洲艺术 现场拍卖

Pair of 'Phoenix' jade utensils, Western Zhou Dynasty

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编号 235.

Carved jade utensils of a greenish hue with ochre flecks, for ceremonial use. They show a rectangular, flattened and serrated silhouette, with engraved details on both sides. The decorations depict the image of an elongated phoenix in the Archaic style, with an open eye, a closed, curved beak and large legs ending in sharp claws. This image descends the surface of the jade and is accompanied by sinuous archaic motifs that complete the composition.  Western Zhou Dynasty (770-221 BC) or later. 

Size: 13.1 x 0.4 x 5.2 cm

Total weight: 137 gr

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