Subastas Darley

2023 年 3 月 30 日現場拍賣 - 第一場 - 亞洲藝術

Two pieces of glazed ceramics, Song style

竞标由. -
编号 122.

Crackle-glazed ceramic. The glaze is light, transparent and concentrated in the folds of the piece, with a thinner glaze at the ends. The jug has an elongated shape and a large spout. It is detailed and has a dragon-shaped handle that is attached to the neck and shoulders. The vessel has broad shoulders, a wide circular mouth, a short neck, an oval body and a handle on either side. 

Size: 15.50 x 7.50 x 12 cm; Size: 6.50 x 7 x 2.80 cm

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