Subastas Darley

Etching "La liberté du Braconier", 19th century

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Etching "La liberté du Braconier", 19th century

编号. R28010404/612
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
拍卖截止于. 01 Mar 2025 08:03 AM
Substraction. 307 days - 12 h. - 18 m. - 54 s.
Sale price

Graphic work. Printed by Charles Benazech of the Royal Academy of Florence...- Distributed in Paris by Les Campions Freres. Engraved by François R. le Jeune Ingouf of the Royal Academy of St. Charles of Valencia...

Size: 55 x 64 cm; Size with frame: 77 x 86 cm

Etching Etching Etching Etching
Etching Etching Etching Etching
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