Subastas Darley


首页 > 网上竞拍 > 拍卖结束 > 白玉挂件


编号. 28068255
Start the . 22 Jul 2019 09:00 AM
End. 02 Sep 2019 18:30 PM
最后出价. 220 €
总出价. 4
The auction has ended.


Natural jade pendant rectangular with carving of dragons and two Chinese characters in the middle.

Dimensions: 50x33mm

Weight: 21,40gr




白玉挂件白玉挂件 - 1白玉挂件 - 2白玉挂件 - 3
白玉挂件白玉挂件 - 1白玉挂件 - 2白玉挂件 - 3
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