Subastas Darley

Three figures Manger

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Three figures Manger

编号. 28164315
Start the . 07 Sep 2015 13:36 PM
End. 26 Mar 2018 16:40 PM
最后出价. 0 €
总出价. 0
The auction has ended.


雅致 (Lladro) 瓷偶在艺术界的重要性,早已获得世界各地的博物馆和艺术文化机构的认同,將Lladro瓷偶的艺术作品归列为永久收藏品之一。1953年雅致 (Lladro) 瓷器在西班牙地中海岸的瓦伦西亚市郊的小镇创立,从此开始其长达半个世纪的瓷器艺术神话。雅致 (Lladro) 瓷器作品以细部的刻画见长,其中又以对蕾丝、阳伞和花卉的逼真工艺而全球闻名,对“花卉”的刻画更是达到了登峰造极的境界,每一朵花瓣都经过匠心独运的工序,纯手工精制而成。雅致 (Lladro) 以精緻優美、生動活潑的瓷器作品中,能感受到幸福的感覺和生命的喜悅,詮釋人性體驗的美與情感,這就是雅致瓷器最真实和独特的风格。

Since the beginning of Lladró, new creations have been added each year to its extensive work. Others have given them step, making pieces out of catalog of great artistic and documentary value. They are highly prized artworks and sought, of which there are sometimes only a few copies

The girl has flaws

Measure: 13X7cm the angel.



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Three figures MangerThree figures Manger - 1Three figures Manger - 2Three figures Manger - 3Three figures Manger - 4Three figures Manger - 5
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