Subastas Darley

Jade Cicada

Jade Cicada

Lot. 28055816
Start the . 24 Ene 2019 09:00 AM
End. 25 Feb 2019 18:20 PM
Last Bid. 190 €
Total Bids. 4
The auction has ended.


This carving shaped Jade Cicada, is a work typical representation of the Han Dynasty 220bc 206ac to more than 2,000 years, actually shaped carvings cicada already in previous dynasties, but the work and how to this is typical of Han dynasty, and we do not mean that this is Jade this time, but if your school, work required, elegant, fine, and possibly has aged patina, but Jade is very good quality, natural and good color. 


Dimensions: 7.6 cm x 3.8 cm 

Jade CicadaJade Cicada - 1Jade Cicada - 2Jade Cicada - 3Jade Cicada - 4Jade Cicada - 5
Jade CicadaJade Cicada - 1Jade Cicada - 2Jade Cicada - 3Jade Cicada - 4Jade Cicada - 5
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