Subastas Darley


Spanish school mid 17th century "Saint Francis of Assisi saving the souls in purgatory"

Awarded For. 950 €
Lot 395.

Oil on canvas. It depicts in the centre Saint Francis of Assisi with his attributes, dressed in a Franciscan habit as the founder of the Franciscan Order, a golden fleece around his neck, no shoes, a stigma at his side and a nimbus around his head. He is holding a flag in his left hand and with his right hand he is helping a soul out of purgatory using the cord of the habit. The background is filled with clouds and angels, and beneath the cloud where he is standing there are three souls in purgatory.

Condition: It presents restorations, it needs cleaning and consolidation. 

Size: 156.50 x 92 cm; Total size: 175.50 x 109.50 cm (with frame)

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