Subastas Darley

Alfonso Ortuño “Cuadra”.

Home > Auction Online > Completed auctions > Alfonso Ortuño “Cuadra”.

Alfonso Ortuño “Cuadra”.

Lot. 28901358
Start the . 24 Abr 2014 13:35 PM
End. 23 Nov 2016 18:55 PM
Last Bid. 200 €
Total Bids. 4
The auction has ended.


Alfonso Ortuño painted from the imagination of his time Valencia. 

Ortuño soon came into contact with the Fine Arts and perfected his technique. Contemporary Bronchu Godella, Mir, Segrelles or Berenguer, belongs to a generation of impressionist painters who left to find their own style. 

Olga Real Review called it "the Valencian painter that evidences a spontaneity, rather than a desire to present their ideas." "The visual language of Real-Ortuño-explained, does merge several suggestions come both from the modern tradition of painting and some free proofreading as a classic position substantially." 

Specifically this work we offer at auction is a good example of its matérica side, highlighting the magnificent use of the spatula. 

Oil on board. 

Excellent condition. 

Dimensions: 31.5 x 40 cm. 




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