Subastas Darley

Eduardo Sales Encarnación "Villamarchante"

Home > Auction Online > Completed auctions > Eduardo Sales Encarnación "Villamarchante"

Eduardo Sales Encarnación "Villamarchante"

Lot. 28903236
Start the . 02 Ene 2015 11:54 AM
End. 30 Nov 2016 18:30 PM
Last Bid. 180 €
Total Bids. 5
The auction has ended.


Eduardo Salas Incarnation (Valencia, 1927) belongs to the group formation and restlessness cutting-edge plastic which appeared in the early fifties and renewed the Valencian postwar art scene. His career, difficult to pigeonhole and evolving, reveals the personality of a restless author who barely admits comparisons in terms of expertise and painting procedures with other artists of his time. It is one of the most dominating plastic painting technique, revolutionizing-la and applying the meaning of cuisine in contemporary art. His artistic activity, however, has not expressly limited to painting and researching new technical procedures, but as Professor of Natural Drawing been transfused their knowledge and artistic generations of young Valencian artists experiences.

His name is assigned its own right in the constellation of renovators artists who, in the words of Roman de la Calle, "faced and break into the domain of artistic training and in everyday life, in the situation of war, full of gaps and difficulties of all kinds. "

Measurements: 33x45cm

Oil on Board




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