Subastas Darley

Monkfish bottle carved bone

Home > Auction Online > Completed auctions > Monkfish bottle carved bone

Monkfish bottle carved bone

Lot. 28205082
Start the . 15 Jun 2016 17:43 PM
End. 25 Nov 2016 19:50 PM
Last Bid. 0 €
Total Bids. 0
The auction has ended.


Bottle of monkfish bone carved erotic female image, found on the back of a long series of Chinese characters also carved.

Measurement: 7.3x2.5cm


Monkfish bottle carved boneMonkfish bottle carved bone - 1Monkfish bottle carved bone - 2Monkfish bottle carved bone - 3
Monkfish bottle carved boneMonkfish bottle carved bone - 1Monkfish bottle carved bone - 2Monkfish bottle carved bone - 3
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